
How does one measure the bond that exists between an animal, human, and our planet? How can we calculate the value of love and the connection created when animal ends up at Jameson to live a better life? Although the result of our work is much more than a number, we wanted to try, and so we are sharing our impact through traditional metrics. The following sections explain our rationale behind our impact stats.

Lives Saved by Stemming the Tide of Overpopulation (Spay & Neuter Impact): 

Every day in the United States, thousands of puppies and kittens are born because of the uncontrolled breeding of animals. In fact, 70,000 dogs and cats are born to every 10,000 humans. Too many small companion animals compete for a scarcity of good homes and so pet overpopulation continues to spiral out of control. The result is a huge number of dogs and cats for whom there are no homes.  Additionally, many low-income families cannot afford medical surgeries for their pets. Offering discounted and no-cost spay/neuter vouchers for those in need is an essential part of solving this problem.

Due to Jameson Humane's voucher program, we have had significant impact in reducing shelter populations (by approximately 3.7M) and therefore subsequent high death rates. The lives saved specific to spay/neuter is calculated as follows:

  • Dogs:* A fertile dog can produce an average of two litters in one year, with an average number of puppies in a canine litter being six to ten, thus we calculate that up to 72 puppies can be born from one unspayed female dog and her offspring in one year.
  • Cats:* A fertile cat can produce an average of three litters in one year, with the average number of kittens in a feline litter is four to six, thus we calculate that up to 706 kittens can be born from one unspayed female cat and her offspring in one year.
  • These numbers are multiplied by the number of vouchers we have provided to the community since inception (~600 per year x 8 years) = 4,800 (x 778 puppies and kittens per year) = Totaling ~3.7M


Lives Impacted through All Other Program Efforts 

Jameson is on the front lines when it comes to addressing the principal reasons animals are abandoned to shelters: every year approximately 1.5 million dogs and cats are euthanized, and 6.5 million companion animals are surrendered to shelters in the USA. Jameson addresses the root of the problem which keeps animals in their homes and out of the shelters by providing a 7-day-a-week community Helpline, subsidized emergency medical attention and surgeries, free pet food & supplies, landlord required pet deposits, temporary foster in domestic violence cases, and general subsidized vet care.

In addition, our Disaster Preparation, Response, and Recovery Efforts provide relief for all companion animals and their humans. Disasters include but are not limited to: wildfires, earthquakes, pandemics, blackouts, and floods; all of which are occurring at a more regular cadence due to climate change. During disasters, animal surrenders increase dramatically due to resource scarcity, loss of homes, and life disruptions. Animals find themselves unsafe and separated from their homes. Jameson partners and collaborates with various community emergency services and organizations and provide food, critical medicine, medical services, shelter, rescue services and resources for beloved pets.

Since 2014, we have touched the lives of over 60,000 animals and humans, across 26 states and counting, albeit  mainly concentrated in CA, where we are located. 

Types of Animals Helped 

Since 2014, our array of programming has helped impact the lives of a variety of animal types:

Horses Dogs Sheep
Cows Bunnies Emus
Pigs Peacocks Birds (pigeons, doves, finches, parakeets, etc.)
Chickens Llama Donkeys
Cats Alpaca Turtles
Goats Ducks